Friday, July 23, 2010

Random House Agonistes

As punishment for abandoning the sinking Random House square-rigger, RH announces that it will not invite Wylie back aboard. Wylie, in turn, speeds away in a new state-of-the-art motor yacht. At least that's what he should do. Stay the course, Andrew. "The literary agent Andrew Wylie announced on Wednesday that he had started his own publishing venture and would produce e-book editions available exclusively on for 20 titles, including those by Philip Roth and Vladimir Nabokov. Now Random House, which had previously staked a claim for the e-book rights to most of those books, has issued a forceful response: it will stop doing business with the Wylie Agency. ...Mr. Wylie said he was taken by surprise by Random House's move and was not sure how he would respond. 'I'm going to think about it a little bit,' he said."