Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kindle: Now for Some Light Christmas Reading

Judith Woods in The Telegraph (UK):
What to make of the 2010 Christmas must-have, the Kindle? A philistine gimmick or the most revolutionary development in reading since Gutenberg mass-produced moveable type?

John Lewis has already sold out of this much-hyped £109 electronic reader, the waiting lists are longer than War and Peace and Amazon, which makes this sleek gadget du jour, is cock-a-hoop. All of which makes me rather dig my heels in.

Instinctively, I belong in the anti-Kindle camp. Not because I'm a technophobic Luddite. In fact, I already own an iPad (ooh, get me). But I only use it for surfing the net and emailing, which is the IT equivalent of harnessing the Derby winner to a milk float.

I even have the iBook app up on my screen as I write, but have never downloaded anything because – well, why would I? ...