Thursday, August 26, 2010

Acer LumiRead to Make IFA Debut: €250 Pricetag Rumored

SlashGear: "Acer’s LumiRead ereader will make its official debut at IFA 2010 next week, according to Lesen‘s sources at the company, with a commercial launch – in Germany at least – following on in September. As with the Amazon Kindle, a second source suggests, the LumiRead will come with free 3G access to download new ebooks, and a sticker price of around €250 ($318). That’s considerably higher than what Amazon and the rest of the ereader market leaders are offering their devices for.  Acer are hoping to differentiate themselves with their ISBN-scanner, which can be used to build up a wish-list of titles owners intend to buy in the future."

Acer LumiRead television ad (in German):