Thursday, August 26, 2010

Market Research: eBook Medium Significantly Increases the Number of Books Read and PURCHASED "A study earlier this year by L.E.K. Consulting ... found that almost half of those with e-readers were buying and reading more books, and Amazon has said that customers buy more than 3 times as many books after they buy a Kindle e-reader. Interestingly enough, the L.E.K. survey found that 36 percent of the books read by people with e-readers were what it called 'incremental consumption.' In other words, e-reader owners were reading new books, rather than books that the owner would otherwise have read in print. The global consulting group reported the findings in its second annual 'Hidden Opportunities in New Media Survey' of more than 2,000 households. According to recent figures from Amazon, in the second quarter of this year the company sold 143 Kindle e-books for every 100 hardcover books sold."