Monday, August 16, 2010

Electrowetting: Not an Android in Diapers

Boston Globe: "... what if an e-book reader could also include color photographs and illustrations, along with color video? This is the promise of a process called electrowetting. It sounds like an android having an accident in a Philip K. Dick novel. But the process, in which electric fields govern the behavior of droplets of colored liquids, might yield brighter reflective screens, wider viewing angles, and faster switching speeds than in current e-paper devices. ... According to engineers at the Nanoelectronics Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati, electrowetting displays produce a higher contrast between text and background than most other e-paper technologies. ... In the spring, a Philips Research Labs spinout called Liquavista ( unveiled a development kit that comes with its own 6-inch and 8.5-inch EW displays, for mobile device manufacturers."