Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What the Next Kindle Might Look Like

Fully Equipped - CNET Reviews: "After Barnes & Noble unveiled its Nook Color e-reader recently, I got a few e-mails from folks asking me what I thought was up to and whether Jeff Bezos had some sort of color device up his sleeve. I'd written an article a few months back about a possible Amazon Android tablet and they wanted to know whether they should opt for the Nook Color or wait for an Amazon tablet. Did I know if a Kindle Color was coming soon? Well, for starters, I don't think we'll see a color e-reader from Amazon this year--or probably anytime soon. I think Amazon really sees the iPad as its color e-reader of the moment. A lot of people are using the Kindle app on the iPad (and iPhone), even though Apple has iBooks. ... "